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Bibliographie de Michael Clarke   (4)Voir plus


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John Duncan 1866-1945 - Saint Bride 1913

Duncan was one of the most eclectic and idiosyncratic Scottish artists associated with the Celtic Revival movement which encompassed both visual arts and litterature during the 1890s and in Edinburgh derived its guiding inspiration from the philosophy and aesthetics of Sir Patrick Geddes. Steeped in the study of early Italian fresco painting, Duncan familiarised itself with experimental techniques of tempera then widely practised by his own contemporaries among the mural painters of France. He amalgamated the flattened linear forms of the Renaissance and the modern tradition with the spirals and interlaces of Celtic design to create a distinctive style which was deliberately dreamlike and otherworldly.
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Lecteurs de Michael Clarke (5)Voir plus

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Du bois dans les titres

Quelle nouvelle destinée à la jeunesse Jean Giono a-t-il écrite ?

L'arbre qui chante
Voyage au pays des arbres
L'homme qui plantait des arbres
Mon bel oranger

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Thèmes : titres , boisCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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