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Bibliographie de Mickeal Dobbs   (1)Voir plus


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but they threw me out the one chance I had of living with my father's memory
Churchill : but you have the position of responsibility at the BBC surely he would have approved of that
Burgess : I was a child he barely saw and I became the
kind of man he could never stuck
Churchill : ah you mentioned monsieur prouix Foofa
Burgess : Pfeifer
Churchill : a friend of yours I recall out some gossips idle tittle-tattle around the travelers club
Burgess : Yes that's right he's a nancy boy a left-hander
Churchill : heard a strange story about how he likes to play table tennis your Monsieur poopoo fuh ping pong apparently he uses a naked youth as a net
Burgess : that's about the French had their subtleties
Churchill : and he is a friend of yours
Burgess : yes he's a friend I think
Chruchill : I begin tounderstand
Burgess : you understand nothing the man plays bloody ping-pong with hisleft hand who uses his prick as a paddle what the hell difference does that make anymore well none of us make old bonesnot once Hitler arrives we'll all be damned for the simple sin of being British each and every one of us it'snot our fault
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Burgess : I was a child he barely saw and I became the kind of man he could never stuck
Churchill :.... a friend of yours I recall out some gossips idle tittle-tattle around the
travelers club [...]
Burgess : that's right he's a nancy boy a left-hander
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we make a strange confection the two of us like oil and vinegar need nothing more than a bloody good shaking which you have provided I have enjoyed our conversation
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