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Bibliographie de Minerva Cerridwen   (1)Voir plus


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I like the freedom of living on my own. The idea that I can go out at all hours if anyone needs my help or if I just feel like taking a walk, without waking anyone. Just having my own place where I don't need to worry about anything. I never feel lonely there. I can choose to go out and meet friends, and maybe it would surprise you, but I have a lot of them. And I love them. But if I had to be around any one of them all the time, I would be exhausted.
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You never told me how beutiful the world is, seen from the sky."
"You were walking on it", Snap said. "I thought you knew."
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"I'm thinking...", Violet answered.
"Ah. I understand why you want me to witness such an extraordinary moment."
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Métro Quiz

🎬 Film français réalisé par François Truffaut sorti en 1980, avec Catherine Deneuve et Gérard Depardieu, c'est ...

Le premier métro
Le dernier métro
L'ultime métro

10 questions
145 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : métro , chanson , romans policiers et polars , cinema , romanCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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