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5/5 (sur 1 notes)

Nationalité : Nouvelle-Zélande
Né(e) à : Auckland NZ , le 22/10/1946
Mort(e) le : 30/07/2016
Biographie :

Peter Gossage was the storyteller and illustrator of more than 20 books for children. His powerful retelling of Maori myths and legends have captivated the children of New Zealand for generations.
With his first book How Maui-tiki-tiki-a-Taranga Found His Mother published in 1975, Peter's iconic illustration style and deceptively simple storytelling will be familiar to many as classics in New Zealand homes and classrooms. He was a master of retelling important Maori myths.
The powerful combination of dramatic and distinctive illustrations with minimal yet evocative text has earned each tale its place among the beloved classics of our literature.
Peter passed away on July 30, 2016.

Source : penguin books
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Les misérables de Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo est un écrivain français du :

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XIX ème siècle
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