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Citation de sld09

10 septembre 2017
This friend of mine from work, Bud, he asked Fran and me to supper. I didn't know his wife and he didn't know Fran. That made us even. But Bud and I were friends. And I knew there was a little baby at at Bud's house. That baby must have been eight months old when Bud asked us to supper. Where'd those eight months go ? Hell, where's the time gone since ? I remember the day Bud came to work with a box of cigars. He handed them out in the lunchroom. They were drugstore cigars. Dutch Masters. Bt each cigar had a red sticker on it and wrapper that said IT'S A BOY ! I didn't smoke cigars, but I took one anyway. "Take a couple," Bud said. He shook the box. "I don't like cigars either. This is her idea." He was talking about his wife. Olla.Feathers
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