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Citation de diFunttiChro

Amber finally turned round. She’d composed herself a little. ‘You know, Demos, you’re just as bad as Richard Stirling,’ she said. ‘Trying to make people do what you want. Using people like they don’t matter. You made Ryder believe that we had to fight them. And you made him think we actually had a chance of winning.’
I felt my heart lurch into my mouth.
‘We can’t fight the Unit,’ Amber said, her voice getting louder, until I was sure even Thomas would be able to hear her. ‘We can’t win. And everyone will die following you, or end up like Thomas: being experimented on like a rat in a cage. This is your fight,’ she said, ‘yours and hers.’ She nodded at me. ‘It’s not mine. And it’s not theirs,’ she said, tilting her chin at Bill and Alicia.
I felt as if something was constricting my chest. Demos said nothing back. He just stood there, staring at the floor, his head lowered.
Bill cleared his throat. ‘I think maybe you should, um, leave.’
Demos opened his mouth to say something to him, but Alicia’s hand on his arm stopped him short. She shook her head at him silently. With one last glance at Amber, Demos walked to the door, beckoning for me to follow. I stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do.
‘Amber,’ I said finally and saw her back stiffen. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I whispered.
She didn’t even look round.

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