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Citation de gloubiboulga07186

Five years ago, two boys had kissed in a car. And a bunch of assholes turned that moment into a life-altering disaster. But right now, two grown men could kiss in a car. And then go home to play one more game of RealStix like it was no big deal.

I stretched one hand across the seat to take Graham's. But he wouldn't look at me, even when I gave his arm a tug. "Come here," I said. "Or I'm coming over there." The truck had a bench seat, so it would be easy to make good on that threat.

He looked at me then, a warning on his face.

"It's just a kiss," I whispered, rubbing his big hand in mine. "Do this for me." I pulled him toward me again.

He came almost willingly.

Slowly, we eased closer, our eyes locked on one another, until I could feel his breath on my face. I closed the final inches between us, just ghosting my lips over his on the first pass. I saw his Adam's apple bob nervously. So I was gentle when I cupped the back of his head, pulling him in. I pressed my lips to his, tasting musk and beer. Mmm... My kiss was slow. Appreciative.

After several beats of my heart, he relaxed into the kiss, melting for me. I licked into his mouth then. If I was only getting a kiss, I wanted to make it a good one. On the first wet slide of tongue against tongue, Graham made an achy little sound in the back of his throat.


Leaning in, I wrapped him in my arms. This wasn't like the frantic, tequila-soaked mashup after the Saint B's game. This time, I could feel us both holding tightly to our control. And even though my body wouldn't have minded an escalation, we both knew that it wasn't going to happen. This kiss was all about heartache. It was deep and sweet and sad. My chest fluttered with disbelief that I was holding him, and kissing him. Each moist slide of his lips against mine undid me a little more.

It was possibly the best kiss I'd ever had.
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