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4.1/5 (sur 5 notes)

Biographie :

Dr. Synthia Andrews is a licensed Naturopathic Physician and energy intuitive. She graduated in 2008 from the University of Bridgeport, College of Naturopathic Medicine in Bridgeport, Connecticut, with 30 years' prior experience as a massage therapist. Andrews' work focuses on the underlying spiritual and emotional aspects of health, healing, and expanding awareness. She developed and employs a unique approach called Body Sounding™ that enhances emotional and energetic awareness during the healing process.

Synthia taught for fifteen years at the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy, Connecticut's premier massage training facility and also taught at the famed Kripalu Institute in Lenox, Massachusetts. For the past twenty years, Synthia and her husband, Colin Andrews, have collaborated in the exploration of consciousness and non-ordinary reality. She teaches energy awareness workshops and webinars; lectures, and maintains a private naturopathic practice in Guilford, CT.

Andrews is the author and co-author of six published works. She wrote The Path of Emotions (New Page Books, 2013) and The Path of Energy (New Page Books, 2011) to explore emotional shifts and physical sensations involved in the process of awakening. These books offer guidance in navigating subtle energy terrain and non-ordinary reality. Website support of her books is found at

Synthia is currently branching into fiction and has recently signed with Linda Langton's International Agency.
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Le ki est partout, présent dans, entre et autour de tout ce qui existe. Imaginez-le comme un océan dans lequel vous nagez (et n'oubliez pas que les êtres humains sont constitués à 65 % d'eau, ou plutôt de ki !). Vous entendrez peut-être des personnes l'appeler « force de vie universelle » ou « ki universel ». Le ki universel change de forme quand il incarne la matière et devient une force de vie individuelle.
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En matière de traitement, le lien fort existant entre la santé émotionnelle et le bien-être physique est essentiel. Si vous souffrez d’un bouleversement émotionnel, vous ressentirez presque invariablement un malaise physique. C’est une croyance majeure des arts du traitement.
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