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3.86/5 (sur 7 notes)

Nationalité : Canada
Né(e) le : 10 janvier 1955
Biographie :

James Alan Gardner est un auteur canadien de science-fiction. Il vit à Waterloo, Ontario.

Il est diplômé en Sciences Appliquées.

Source wikipedia .
“ James Alan Gardner (born January 10, 1955) is a Canadian science fiction author.
Raised in Simcoe and Bradford , Ontario, he earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Applied Mathematics from the University of Waterloo .
Gardner has published science fiction short stories in a range of periodicals, including The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and Amazing Stories . In 1989, his short story " The Children of Creche " was awarded the Grand Prize in the Writer of the Future contest. Two years later his story "Muffin Explains Teleology to the World at Large" won a Prix Aurora Award ; another story, "Three Hearings on the Existence of Snakes in the Human Bloodstream," won an Aurora and was nominated for both the Nebula and Hugo Award .
He has written a number of novels in a "League of People " universe in which murderers are defined as " dangerous non-sentients " and are killed if they try to leave their solar system by aliens who are so advanced that they think of humans like humans think of bacteria. This precludes the possibility of interstellar wars.
He has also explored themes of gender in his novels, including Commitment Hour in which people change sex every year, and Vigilant in which group marriages are traditional.
Gardner is also an educator and technical writer. His book Learning UNIX is used as a textbook in some Canadian universities.
He lives in Waterloo , Ontario . “
Wikipedia .

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Whoever designed their genome must have thought it cute for make Ooloms starving hungry for light and fresh air
Commenter  J’apprécie          223
So the modern approach was for queens to produce heirs whenever they wanted ,let the girls grow to age eighteen ,under the guidance of their mother, then freeze the kids into suspended animation till one of the old queens died.
Commenter  J’apprécie          190
“ My name is Festina Ramos , and I take great pride in my personal appearance. “
( Again. )
“ My name is Festina Ramos , and I take great pride in my personal appearance. “
( Again. )
“ My name is Festina Ramos , and I take great pride in my personal appearance. “
( Again. )
Commenter  J’apprécie          90
It's time was over, and the past, after all, was past .
Commenter  J’apprécie          60
Les sargasses sont des algues brunes qui flottent à la surface de l'océan, et plus spécifiquement dans la partie de l’Atlanique qui débute au triangle des Bermudes et se prolonge jusqu'à la moitié de I'Afrique. C'est ça, la mer des Sargasses : plus de cinq millions de kilomètres carrés d'eau assez calme pour que les sargasses puissent s’y développer. Et tous les marins craignent que ces algues, par endroits, prolifèrent suffisamment pour emprisonner les navires. Cependant elles ne forment que rarement des masses compactes ; elles se contentent de surnager individuellement, comme des feuiles d’automne sur un étang.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

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