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1/5 (sur 1 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Philadelphie , le 14/07/1860
Mort(e) le : 21/07/1938
Biographie :

Owen Wister (14 juillet 1860 – 21 juillet 1938) était un écrivain américain dont l'œuvre s'inspire du Far West. Il est né à Philadelphie mais fit ses études en Suisse et au Royaume-Uni, avant de revenir dans son pays. Il fréquenta l'Université Harvard.

Source : Wikipedia
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Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
It was through the Declaration of Independence that we American acknowledged the eternal inequality of man. For by it we abolished a cut-and- dried aristocracy. We had seen little men articifcially held up in high places, and great men artificially held down in low places, and our own justice-loving hearts abhorred this violence to human nature. Therefore, we decreed that every man should thenceforth have equal liberty to find his own level.By this very decree we acknowledged and gave freedom to true aristocracy, saying, "Let the best man win, whoever he is". Let the best man win! That is America's word. That is true democracy. And true democracy and true aristocracy are one and the same thing. If anybody cannot see this, so much the worse for this eyesight.
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Nous les surhumains

Quel est le premier pouvoir du personnage principal ?

la force surhumaine
la vitesse

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