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Mal Og Menning,Iceland [corriger]

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Le Petit Prince

(Mars Rover) ได้ทำการสำรวจซุปเปอร์เทรเรียนซึ่งมีภารกิจการสำรวจทางอวกาศ

out of curiosity He walked over and asked the mahout that was in the area. “Why does the elephant just stand there? Don't you plan to run away?"

The mahout then replied: “When they were still young. It was tied with the same size rope. And at his age it was considered tight enough. Even as they grew older, this thin rope still bound their legs. causing them to still not think of running away Because their hearts already believed That this thin rope makes it impossible to escape anywhere.”

The only reason why the elephant didn't run away That is, the heart believes that there is no way it can be. that it can escape


Thought: It doesn't matter how many problems in this world hold you back. Move forward with confidence that what you want to do is possible. Belief will make you successful. And belief is the most important part in achieving goals.
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Le Petit Prince

Excellent livre, je l'ai lu deux fois presque d'affilée, j'ai été captivée et très émue surtout à la fin. Belle aventure à travers les différentes planètes que le Perit Prince visite, on se reconnaît dans certaines de ses phrases et dans sa façon de penser. C'est vraiment un livre à lire absolument.
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Le Petit Prince

Un imaginaire qui paraît si réel surtout avec cette vision de la vie tellement vraie et pure. Un classique à relire sans fin. Il y a des citations à se noter tels des mantras. Un voyage parallèle entre nos vies et celles qui pourraient être là si on le souhaiter vraiment.
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