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Critique de MyriamsSquad

The comic is named ''The recruit''. Its author is Robert Muchamore. The story is about a young boy. He is 12 years old and his life is becoming a nightmare. His name is James and his mother died because of an alcohol overdose. As a consequence, he is put in an orphanage where he become an offender. But one day, when he wake up, he is in the CHERUB's headquarter. It is a government organization. CHERUB's is recruiting teenagers to become spies. James begins a 100-day-exams, during which all his capacities are test severely. Just after this really hard experience, James begins his first official mission, in which he need to stop environmentalist terrorist which try to send a virus on Earth to protect humanity... Is he going to stop them ? You will know it if you read ''The Recruit''.
I have already read all the CHERUB's novels (there are 17 volumes) so my opinion could be a little bit different in comparaison to someone who has never read this book.
I really like this comic because the main character, James is a teenager. He is so endearing. I also like the way CHERUB work with spies teenager. Drawing are not bad, they reflect well the difficulty of the ''exams'', or the stress during the mission. You should read it.
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