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Critique de beereadsff

It was a really wonderful journey in Fantastica. I wanted to read this because it was one of the best sellers in history (it's in my reading challenge) , a story within a story (reading challenge again) and because I remember to have love the movie when I was younger.
it didn't disappointed me. At each pages, I remember some piece of the movie and now I feel like seeing it again.
The book has two parties. The first with bastien reading the story about Atreyu and here you really have the story within the story where Atreyu is the hero of the Fatastica world. And the second one where Bastian becomes the hero, changes and not for the best
I think I prefer the first one, but the second is really good too and is necessary for the developpement of Bastien. .He nearly becomes an anti-hero, and his personnality evolves and not in the best way. But all of this, is for a reason. A way to accept himself, to like himself and more importantly to like/love others
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