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Citations sur The Story of Juliette Gordon Low and Girl Scouts (3)

Juliette was one of a very few people EVER outside
the United Kingdom to be awarded the Silver Fish
award. This is the highest award in Guiding in
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The Extra Mille Points Volunteer pathway pays
to tribute pays who build they dreams
into mouvement dreams that have create induring
change in América
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President Barack Obama said, “Juliette Gordon low was not
exactly typical. She recognized early on that in order to keep
up with the changing times, women would have to be prepared. A century later—almost 60 million Girl Scouts have gained leadership skills and self-confidence through the organization she founded
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    Et s'il faut commencer par les coups de pied au cul

    Dans un film de Jim Jarmush, un tout jeune couple d'adolescents se demande : Y a-t-il encore des anarchistes à -------- à part nous ? Peu de chances. Où çà exactement ?

    New York

    10 questions
    23 lecteurs ont répondu
    Thèmes : anarchie , éducation , cinéma americain , histoireCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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