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Critique de lineelk

SPOILER ALERT : if you have never read the Iron Man, don't read the following (genuinely written) commentary. All I can tell you is that I recommend it for you, whoever you are.

I read this science-fiction book in English, and although " The Iron Man " is an eight year old kid book, I personally think this publication is very sweet and touching in a disctinctive way...
It shows how human beings react to anything foreign, and how uncomprehending they can be to anything that scare them. But, thanks to the second main character, I didn't lose my nerves when reading the outrageous things human beings can do (especially the rat headed blond man)
However, in my opinion, this book may be very enlightening to eight year old kids :)
I recommend it to anybody who likes poetical works (yes, I didn't mention this but it is very poignant at the end).
I hope you will enjoy such a marvellous book !
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