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Critique de ReadinginRheims

As in the movie adapted from the cult novel by Stephenie Meyer, Twilight, this comic is perfection too. It is about the love story between a young teenager, Bella Swan and a vampire, Edward Cullen.
The story, although already fabulous, is espacially enhanced by the beauty of the book's illustrations.
Personnaly, I think this is a superb adaptation and a wonderful book.

At first, I wasn't really thrilled about reading Twilight because I litterally hated the story. But this book made me love it, I swear! The drawings are so well made that, for once, Bella was pretty - OK, I'm just being mean here!!!
Seriously though, if you don't like Twilight, it doesn't matter because you'll be immersed in the story right away. And if you like the story, that's even better! Enjoy!

I chose to read Twilight because it reminds me of my childhood. When I was younger, I was crazy about the books and the movies. Besides, the book is very easy to read. I chose the graphic novel, so it is easy to understand the novel even if you don’t have an excellent level in English. If you like graphic novels and fantastic stories, I recommend you this book. I’m sure you will like it. By the way, are you on team Edward or team Jacob?
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