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Donato Spedaliere (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781841766393
64 pages
Osprey Publishing (UK) (22/10/2003)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The defence of the 9th-century kingdom of Wessex under King Alfred against the 'Great Viking Army' is one of the major military achievements of Early Medieval history. While the guerrilla warfare in the Somerset marshes and the battle of Edington are characteristic of Alfred's military abilities, his definitive physical achievement was a series of some 30 well-structured fortifications (known as burhs) across the kingdom. Many of these fortifications survive to this... >Voir plus
Que lire après Fortifications in Wessex c. 800–1066Voir plus
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However, as with so many Anglo-Saxon achievements, it is to the European continent and the Carolingian Franks that we should turn in order to see the spur behind the development of a systematic defensive arrangement similar to the Burghal Hidage. By the 860s Charles the Bald had organised western Francia, now modern-day France, to finance a system of fortified bridges across the River Seine in order to block the passage of Viking invaders. Given the penchant of King Alfred for introducing Frankish institutions into his own kingdom the West Saxon burhs are likely to have been an equivalent. Although there were certainly fortifications in Anglo-Saxon England before the reign of Charles the Bald in Francia, the systematic design and administration of the fortifications may well have been a Frankish import.
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