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Citations sur Whispers (7)

The part that amazed me though, was that my body remembered how to ski (…) For some reason it is really hard to make people understand that the mind isn’t just in the brain, it is also in all parts of the body.
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Ceremonies and rituals; somehow they added to the meaning of life.
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The right music helps the mind to focus, keeps the creative juices flowing and stops destructive thinking from taking over. The right music takes the edge off those panicky feelings of self-doubt that can so easily take over.
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Music has so much healing power.
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There may always be gaps and you must accept the damage that was done to your brain. We don’t get a new brain you know and it doesn’t have spare parts, it is not like a hip or a knee replacement. We have to allow the brain to make new pathways to understanding, to detour around the damaged, dead areas.
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Happiness isn’t some sort of reward for good behaviour; it is an inner light (…)
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mystère, auteure canadienne, spiritualité, traumatisme crânien, amnésie, mémoire, changement de personnalité, résilience
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