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Vidéos de Ann Leckie (8)
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videos01 novembre 2023
Many fantasy and science fiction series feature characters who are not humans from our world—whether they're aliens, faeries, or simply humans who live in a world created just for the book. On this panel, several authors discuss the process of building a new culture from scratch, building on real-world inspiration and making fictional cultures both authentically alien and relatable to readers.

Featuring Ann Leckie, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, Essa Hansen, and Davinia Evans
videos30 août 2023
How does a science fiction author create an alien mind that is truly alien? Join two of the best-known contemporary science fiction authors, Ann Leckie and Adrian Tchaikovsky, for a conversation about the fascinating aliens they've created for their award-winning and bestselling books—and how the humans in those books interact with creatures so, well, alien.
videos08 janvier 2022
Science fiction authors Laura Lam and Ann Leckie for talk about their books, writing, and humanity's future in space.
videos08 juin 2017
Payot - Marque Page - Ann Leckie - La miséricorde de l'ancillaire
Rediffusion du live facebook de la rencontre avec Ann Leckie et Paolo Bacigalupi à la librairie La dimension fantastique (106 rue La Fayette, 75010 Paris) le 3 novembre 2016 .
marina5327 décembre 2016
Ann Leckie - Les chroniques du Radch. Volume 1, La justice de l'ancillaire
Hippolyte7830 novembre 2016
Les Chroniques du Radch, tome 2 : L' Epée de l'Ancillaire - Ann Leckie
Nouveaux Millénaires // 2014 (2016 pour la présente édition) // 411 pages

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