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3.85/5 (sur 13 notes)

Nationalité : Canada
Biographie :

Brynne Weaver est une autrice canadienne de dark romance.
Elle a également écrit de la poésie et des essais.
Depuis plusieurs années, elle travaille dans le domaine de la recherche clinique en neurosciences.
Elle vit en Nouvelle-Écosse au Canada.

Son site :

Source : Amazon
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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
« I don't think it's just a feeling, or a collection of emotions. Love is action. Love can be in the smalles details, like trying to make someone laugh, or comforting them when they suffer. It's putting the effort in to make things right when they go awry. Love is about taking action to make the other person's life happier or more joyful, not just once but consistently. In little ways. In big ways. Love is empowering someone, putting their well-being first. And sometimes it's having the bravery to let go when you know you can't. That doesn't mean giving up when things get a little rough. It means trying to be a better person so you can be a better partner. I guess love is wanting to enrich someone else's life, and in the process, you enrich your own. »
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That you’ll probably never meet someone like him again. That he’s probably the only one out there like you. That you could mess it up. Or he could let you down. Or that maybe your friendship could go up in flames. You’re right about all those worries that are circling around in your head. Maybe all of them are true. But maybe it shouldn’t matter, because everyone messes up. We all let each other down once in a while. And sometimes the best things come out of the fire.
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"Non es ad astra mollis e terris via," Bria says, reading the script tattooed on my back in scrolling black ink. "There is no easy way from the earth to the stars."
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« I drag my hand down my face and cover my mouth to keep my confessions from tumbling from my lips.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Bria. What are you doing to me."
"Only what you're doing to me, Dr. Kaplan,"
she says with a smile that fades as quickly as it appears, leaving only heat and want in its wake. "Letting me out of my cage."
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My art was never so tarnished that I couldn’t bear to create it. It makes me wonder what would strip art from Sloane so thoroughly that she can no longer paint or sculpt, reduced to monochrome.
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Les cinq Juifs ...

Tout est Dieu !


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