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Bibliographie de Byoung Cho   (1)Voir plus


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What the eye visualizes is not that important; it is what one feels at a certain moment that lasts. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what people say to one another, but rather how someone makes another human being feels. This is why architecture must respond on a more personal level, drawing on the concepts of experience and perception.
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I also learned that love comes from intuition and emotion and is not bound to rational logic. This idea is linked back to my principles of architecture. As love cannot be controlled, architecture shall not be fully controlled. There should always be room for the unexpected, since the world is no narrow illusion.
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In the same way a traditional Korean house is a continuum of spaces, I like how this connection can be achieved in architecture, ensuring that people are reminded of their roles in this intricate chain of events happening simultaneously all around them.
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For me, excellent architecture addresses the question of how to honour the existing nature of a place, and allows ground and people to exist in dialogue with one another.
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Lire avec Yves Montand 🎦🎬🎭

En 1969, avec Jean-louis Trintignant et Irène Papas, Montand tourne "Z", film que Costa-Gavras adapte du roman éponyme de ...

Georges Arnaud
William Faulkner
D. Lapierre/L. Collins
Jacques Prévert
Vassilis Vassilikos

15 questions
28 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature française , adapté au cinéma , histoire , littérature américaine , chanson , romans policiers et polars , littérature étrangèreCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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