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Bibliographie de Cori Zahara   (1)Voir plus


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“Why couldn’t you have fought harder to be the better version of you,” I whispered, hoping he wouldn’t hear, but secretly wishing that if he did, he’d have a justifiable answer. “The person I loved so much. Why couldn’t you be what I need you to be? Why couldn’t the hero come out on top, not the monster?”
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
“I’m going to give you one chance to change your mind. Make your decision wisely, Jolie. You will marry me today, or you won't live until tomorrow. If I can’t have you in life, no one will. But in death, you’ll be mine.”
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
“I’m sorry, Jolie, I’m so sorry for whatever it is he did.”
He held me for a moment, and I allowed only that.

“I’m so sorry.” My face pulled back, turning from him and creating a distance that he allowed.

« You should have controlled him.”

« We don’t know how. I’m sorry.”

He looked sorry. . . but words were just words. Actions always spoke louder. “Stop saying that!” I was loud, erupting in anger. “You’re twisted. Your whole family is twisted.”
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
I enjoyed living in the lie that she meant absolutely fuck all to me, but the truth was, she was everything that made my miserable face smile, even if it was only while I made her heart, eyes, and soul weep.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
I was owned… by the man who could rival the devil.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

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Où se situe le château du baron au début de l'histoire ?

En Normandie
En Angleterre
Aux Pays-Bas
En Westphalie

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