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4.5/5 (sur 1 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Biographie :

Helen Sedgwick is a writer, editor, and physicist, who grew up in London and now lives in the Scottish highlands. Helen was the managing director of Cargo Publishing from 2014 to 2015, and she founded Wildland Literary Editors in 2012. The same year she won a Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award and since then her writing has been published internationally and broadcast on BBC Radio 4. She was awarded a distinction from the MLitt in Creative Writing at Glasgow University in 2008. Before that, she worked as a research physicist, earning a PhD in Physics from Edinburgh University. She lives near the Dornoch Firth with her partner, photographer Michael Gallacher.

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Bibliographie de Helen Sedgwick   (2)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
Hurry up, he says. The teacher told me to get you. Everyone's living. You are out of time.

Page 24.
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But there’s more than right or wrong, don’t you think? Life is no neat as that.
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La jeune fille le diable et le moulin

Que croit donner le père en échange de richesses au diable?

sa fille
ses chaussures
son pommier
son moulin

10 questions
34 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : La Jeune Fille, le Diable et le moulin de Olivier PyCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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