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4.33/5 (sur 3 notes)

Biographie :

Ian Sinclair is recognized as one of Africa's foremost field birders and has led many expeditions to find a research birds. He is still the most published author on the birds of Africa and its adjacent islands and has written over 20 bird books.

Source : 4e couverture
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BirdLife South Africa is the local partner of BirdLife International. It boasts a membership of 6000 birders and has about 35 bird clubs nationwide. It is highly recommended that you join BirdLife South Africa and your local bird club, which will give you the opportunity to join birding outings, participate in conservation projects and attend fascinating courses on the ecology and identification of birds.
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Southern Africa boasts a magnificent biodiversity, with a rich and varied birdlife that plays a vital role in maintaining the balance of nature. It has long been recognized that birds contribute to the ecosystems in which they life. They also serve as barometers, being one of the indicators of the health of an environment.
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