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Bibliographie de Jack White   (1)Voir plus

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Jack White, c'est une carrière dense, mais bien plus encore en fait : ancien tapissier, multi-instrumentiste, The Hentchmen, The Go, The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, The Dead Weather, une carrière solo, un label (Third Man Records), une salle de concert, une usine de fabrication de vinyles, le cinéma, des documentaires. Et enfin, aux dernières nouvelles, un best of "The White Stripes Greatest Hits". C'est la minute Fip à la Fnac par Luc Frelon, c'est par ici, accrochez-vous ! Toutes les pépites de l'Instant et la minute Fip à la Fnac sur notre chaîne : Retrouvez-nous sur Facebook @Fnac : Instagram @fnac_officiel : Twitter @fnac : #JackWhite #laminutefip #laminuteFnac #Fip #Fnac #WhiteStripes
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I want love to
Roll me over slowly
Stick a knife inside me,
And twist it all around.

I want love to
Grab my fingers gently
Slam them in a doorway
Put my face into the ground.

I want love to
Murder my own mother
And take her off to somewhere
Lke hell or up above.

I want love to
Change my friends to enemies,
Change my friends to enemies
And show me how it's all my fault.

I wont let love disturb, corrupt or interrupt me
I won't let love disturb, corrupt or interrupt me
Yeah I won't let love disturb, corrupt, or interrupt me anymore.

I want love to
Walk right up and bite me
Grab a hold of me and fight me
Leave me dying on the ground.

And I want love to
Split my mouth wide open and
Cover up my ears,
And never let me hear a sound.

I want love to
Forget that you offended me
Or how you have defended me
When everybody tore me down.

Yeah I want love to
Change my friends to enemies,
Change my friends to enemies,
And show me how it's all my fault.

Yeah I won't let love disturb, corrupt or interrupt me
I won't let love disturb, corrupt or interrupt me
I won't let love disrupt, corrupt, or interrupt me anymore.

Commenter  J’apprécie          40
And there was a time
when all I wanted
was my ice-cream colder
and a little cream soda

And a wooden box
and an alley full of rocks
was all I had to care about

But now my mind is filled with rubber tires
and forest fires
and wether I'm a liar
and lots of other situations
where I don't know what to do
at which time God screams to me:
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
Force fed, forced meds 'til I drop dead
You can't defeat her, when you meet her you'll get what I said
And Lord knows there's a method to her madness
But the Lord's joke is a boat in a sea of sadness

She doesn't know but when she's gone I sit and drink her perfume
And I'm sure she's drinking two, but why, where, and what for and who?
And I'm solo rolling on one side of the boat
Looking out, throwing up, a lifesaver down my throat
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
And Lord knows there's a method to her madness
But the Lord's joke is a boat in a sea of sadness
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
And there was a time
when all I wanted
was my ice-cream colder
and a little cream soda

And a wooden box
and an alley full of rocks
was all I had to care about

But now my mind
is filled with rubber tires
and forest fires
and wether I'm a liar
and lots of other situations
where I don't know what to do
at which time God screams to me:
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
Nobody noticed that I was down on the rug
I'm getting better at becoming a ghost
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

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Vrai ou faux ? (trop facile)

Le coeur d'une crevette est logé dans sa tête.


11 questions
1265 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : Devinettes et énigmes , humour belge , méduse , mésolithiqueCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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