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4.8/5 (sur 5 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Biographie :

Passionnée de chiens, l'éleveuse Jan Fennell a remporté de nombreux prix lors d'importantes compétitions canines. Elle se consacre à son métier d'entraîneur canin et a conquis un large public grâce à ses fréquentes apparitions à la radio et à la télé.

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Bibliographie de Jan Fennell   (3)Voir plus

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Jan Fennell the Dog Listener

Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
I realise now that so many of my mistakes were down to human conditioning. Like almost every other people on this planet, I had assumed that the world revolved around our particular species, and that every other species had somehow fitted into our grand scheme. I had assumed that because I owned the dogs, then I had to be their leader too. Now, fir the first time, I began to wonder if that really was the case. I began to wonder whether Sasha was trying to take care of me.
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Dogs are never going to learn our language. The bad news is that to communicate successfully with our dogs, it is up to us to learn their language. It is a task that requires an open mind and a respect for the dog. No one who regards a dog as their inferior will achieve anything.
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Dogs have lots of wonderful qualities but they are not- to my knowledge anyway - mind readers. They do not know what we want of them.
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They will react to danger in one of three ways, selecting one of the "three F's" - Flight, freeze or fight.
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Quelle était la promesse de Rhyam à sa femme ?(la plus importante)

De ne jamais emprunter le col des mille larmes
De passer par le mont Khoorga
De rentrer le plus tôt possible chez lui

11 questions
318 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Le Col des mille larmes de Xavier-Laurent PetitCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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