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5/5 (sur 1 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Né(e) à : Norwich , le 28/12/1987

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Kids are brilliant because they haven't yet stopped asking the questions that we all should ask. They do the things that make them happy and that's enough. They dance without worrying how they look; they do (let's be honest) objectively rubbish paintings for the joy of doing them. They laugh at how delicious foods are, they spend whole days noticing things and asking questions and wanting to know more. It's totally fascinating and, although I can scarcely remember being that age, trying to get into their headspace, where everything is an adventure, fills me with wonder. It's a cliché to say that we can learn from children but you know who don't care about clichés ? Children. So, I'm going to say it anyway - get more why in your life. Why ? Well, I just explained it, didn't I ?
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Nos Étoiles Contraires

Comment s'appelle la narratrice de l'histoire ?


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