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5/5 (sur 1 notes)

Nationalité : Allemagne
Biographie :

Joana was born in a town near Hamburg, from where she commutes to Hamburg for work and study. In her mid-20s, she lived in Barcelona for a while, which still frequently draws her there. This city feels like a second home to Joana and continues to inspire her with its colorful diversity. In general, many of the places Joana has traveled to have made a lasting impression on her. She can well imagine living in another country again in the future. Besides painting and illustration, Joana is passionate about music, theater, dance, literature, photography, and nature.

* Note on Joana's answers: Joana mentions Italy as "residency" instead of Malibu, because for quite some time a desire for change has been growing and ... Cornelia moved to Italy in September 2021, so the illustrators that — due to Corona — could not travel to her farm last year, will spend their residency in Cornelia's new Tuscan home. *
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Quiz sur le livre "Carrie" de Stephen King.

Qu'est-ce qui n'est pas tombé sur la maison de Carrie au début du roman ?

de la glace
des pierres
la foudre

10 questions
35 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Carrie de Stephen KingCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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