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Citation de OlivierMaldent

One of the girls keeps the spring 2000 Abercrombie and Fitch catalog on the nightstand next to her bed.
They look at it together, sitting on the floor with their backs against the twin bed. The metal bar of the bed frame is solid and cold against their spines, but it doesn't hurt. Both girls are so young, so healthy, so well fed... their bodies are so new to the world, blooming in it, that they've never felt stiff, never had aches, the kind that come from sitting in the wrong position for a long time, or lifting a heavy box without bending at the knees... the kinds of aches their mothers complain of, take Tylenol for, lie prone with for whole weekends on the couch while their daughters step quickly and lightly out of the thin doors, which close with the sound of an exhalation when they leave, aware of their own teenage bodies as only the vaguest sensations of pleasure... like new dresses made of silk, chiffon, or tulle, dresses that merely decorate the soul during its passage through the physical world.
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