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4/5 (sur 1 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

Mark E. Stille est un commandant de l’US Navy à la retraite, également titulaire d’un BA en histoire de l’université du Maryland et d’un MA du Naval War College.

Il est spécialiste de l’histoire navale des États-Unis et du Pacifique.

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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
As the USN’s battle fleet moved into the central and western Pacific, it would have to contend with Japanese submarine and air attacks before eventually gaining the opportunity to engage the Japanese battle fleet. To prevail in this campaign, USN battleships had to have superior protection, long-range hitting power, a high level of protection against destroyer and aircraft attack, and great endurance.
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The men who were sacrificed are remembered for their pure motives and held up by some as a model for the youth of today. Totally forgotten is the fact that their sacrifice was meaningless in a military sense. It accomplished nothing other than to increase the death and suffering on both sides.
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