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Bibliographie de Miyoko Nishimoto Schinner   (2)Voir plus


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The Japanese archipelago, once isolated from the rest of the world except from the infamous Black Ships from the Netherlands, has eagerly borrowed and absorbed as much from the rest of the world as possible. An exciting culinary evolution has taken place, especially in the past twenty years or so, particularly with the influx of French and Mediterranean cuisine.
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The utmost care is taken to adorn each dish, whether it be the accent of a tiny leaf resting on one, or the beautiful composition of a few vegetables in another.
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Lecteurs de Miyoko Nishimoto Schinner (2)Voir plus

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Le Joueur d'échecs

Quand Stefan Zweig a-t-il écrit cette nouvelle ?

En 1914
En 1929
En 1938
En 1942

10 questions
786 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Le Joueur d'échecs de Stefan ZweigCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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