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Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

Avocate américaine pénaliste

Elle a été personnifié dans le film The Mauritanian, par Jody Foster, pour révéler au public l'affaire d'un Mauritanien injustement accusé lors de l'affaire de l'attentat du 11 septembre et détenu à Guantanamo.

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My name is Nancy Hollander. I have been a criminal defense attorney since 1978 and
with this firm since 1980. I am also an Associate Tenant with Doughty Street Chambers in London. My relationship with Mohamedou began in 2005 when I agreed to represent him in his federal habeas proceeding at the request of a French lawyer I knew.
I first met Mohamedou in June 2005 when I traveled to Guantanamo with my co-counsel. We wondered what Mohamedou was like. How would he feel about having women lawyers? Would he look at us, shake hands, trust us? Although I wrote to him to tell him of our upcoming
visit, we had no way of knowing whether he had received my letter or knew we were coming.
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