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Vidéos de Naomi Campbell (3)
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videos09 juin 2021
Legendary fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg joins Naomi Campbell on her show 'No Filter with Naomi' to relive her incredible life journey in the fashion world, her influence on some of New York City's biggest landmarks, and her Phaidon book 'Own It'.
videos13 novembre 2020
Supermodel, entrepreneur, activist, provocateur: Trace the electrifying career of the one and only Naomi Campbell. Updated and published in cooperation with Naomi, this is at once an intimate encounter with a cultural icon and a dazzling journey through fashion's greatest moments. Jam-packed with unforgettable shoots, magazine covers, and video stills, as well as an exclusive text by Naomi.
videos11 novembre 2020
Supermodel, entrepreneur, activist, provocateur: Trace the electrifying career of the one and only Naomi Campbell. Updated and published in cooperation with Naomi, this is at once an intimate encounter with a cultural icon and a dazzling journey through fashion's greatest moments. Jam-packed with unforgettable shoots, magazine covers, and video stills, as well as an exclusive text by Naomi.

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Céleste ma planète

De quelle forme sont les tâches qu'à Céleste sur le corps ?

en forme triangulaire
en forme de pays ou de continents
ce sont des points
ces tâches n'ont pas de forme

10 questions
972 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Céleste, ma planète de Timothée de FombelleCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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