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Nationalité : États-Unis
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Nocole Helm est auteure de romance contemporaine et de romantic suspense.

Elle aime les grands espaces, où les voisins sont trop loin pour qu'on s'en soucie!
Elle vit actuellement dans le Missouri avec son époux et leurs deux enfants.

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Bibliographie de Nicole Helm   (27)Voir plus

Videos et interviews (4) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
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New York Times bestselling author Maisey Yates joins us today to discuss what romance books she thinks you should check out this summer! Plus, don't miss her new release, THE LOST AND FOUND GIRL! In this video: THE LOST AND FOUND GIRL by Maisey Yates UNDERCOVER RESCUE by Nicole Helm A DIAMOND FOR MY FORBIDDEN BRIDE by Jackie Ashenden THE PRINCESS HE MUST MARRY by Jadesola James UNWRAPPING THE CASTELLI SECRET by Caitlin Crews SMALL TOWN BIG MAGIC by Hazel Beck About THE LOST AND FOUND GIRL: Ruby McKee is a miracle. Found abandoned on a bridge as a newborn baby by the McKee sisters, she's become the unofficial mascot of Pear Blossom, Oregon, a symbol of hope in the wake of a devastating loss. Ruby has lived a charmed life, and when she returns home after traveling abroad, she's expecting to settle into that charm. But an encounter with the town's black sheep makes her question the truth about her mysterious past. Dahlia McKee knows it's not right to resent Ruby for being special. But uncovering the truth about Ruby's origins could allow Dahlia to carve her own place in Pear Blossom history. Recently widowed Lydia McKee has enough on her plate without taking on Ruby's quest for answers. Especially when her husband's best friend, Chase, is beginning to become a complication she doesn't want or need. Marianne Martin is glad her youngest sister is back in town, but it's hard to support Ruby's crusade when her own life is imploding. When the quest for the truth about Ruby's origins uncovers a devastating secret, will the McKee sisters fall apart or band together? Looking for more author book recommendations? We have a playlist full of romance must-reads you need to add to your TBR list, picked by some of your favorite authors!¤££¤41Jackie Ashenden20¤££¤_rIBsnr7htdaQvKgRM *** Subscribe for more from Harlequin: Subscribe to Harlequin Plus! Start your 7-day FREE TRIAL today: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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dans la forêt de Hokkaido

quel était le rêve de Julie ?

abandonnée sur une iles
abandonnée dans une foret
oublier sur une iles
oublier dans une foret

10 questions
52 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Dans la forêt de Hokkaido de Éric PessanCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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