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Bibliographie de Peta Kelly   (1)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (36) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
This is easy for adults to forget. We sit at a desk with a pen and paper for days or weeks in a row, trying to force clarity to just appear from the sky. We write pros and cons lists, we mind map, we do all the fancy brainstorming techniques we learn from the internet. We sit in the same spot, at the same time of day, trying to force something brand new to emerge. A lot of the time, our forcing of it, blocks it, and it doesn’t come. It just makes our head feel full and confused. When we ditch the desk on a random Tuesday afternoon and go surfing, head to a new coffee shop, or turn our phones off for a weekend of camping, then ‘uh huh, whoa! Omg I’ve got it!’. The ideas, the clarity, the solution, the insight, it’s all right there. Why? Because we did what you brilliant kids do when your energy feels stuck, we moved it around and did something different.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
You’ll notice how humans everywhere have been taught that misalignment is noble and selfless. We receive praise for doing something that we don’t want to do. We celebrate after forcing ourselves through something that doesn’t feel good. “No pain, no gain.” is one of the number one motivational phrases.
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
Perfection is the furthest thing from our purpose. Being human is the most spiritual thing we can do. Because we’re in acceptance, we’re in the wholeness of who we are. We’re not trying to be Buddha. Sure, we can be spiritually inspired and always strive to grow into the most compassionate, loving, light beings we can, but we can’t ignore the power of the mess. Owning yourself in totality is more inspiring to the world than the fact you can meditate for 45 minutes without losing focus. How beautiful is it when we can love ourselves despite the fact that sometimes our thoughts and behaviours make us feel like frauds? Are we frauds? Or are we just humans?
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
We develop bullshit (BS) goals when we do not take the time or find the courage to tune in and get clear on what we really want—what’s in our alignment. When life moves fast, it is easy to be clouded by what others want and what others want from us, and the focus shifts from internal to external. Soon we are so turned around that we have no flippin’ clue what we want. It becomes easier to just throw down whatever “sounds good” or looks “progressive,” than to take some time without a goal. We live by numbers and dates, which add to our anxiety.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
The collective focus won’t shift, until your focus and my focus shifts. You’ve gotta shift your focus, superhero. Most people on Earth right now don’t have the tools to shift their focus. Many don’t know that there’s a world outside of what they see on the news. And that’s the reason many if not most people on Earth right now aren’t having a very good time. But you are not most people. The world needs more people like you, the superheroes, highlighting and emphasizing, and seeking out the good.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
I was missing the point, because there wasn’t an income I could reach, a number I could hit, a stage I could speak on that would ever make me feel more successful than my alignment with my soul could. I had to drop the never ending, misaligned pursuit for more. I no longer wanted to feel like I could never stop and smell the roses or feel like I couldn’t take a day off to freaking breathe or bake or turn my phone off. I wanted to save my generation from this endless pursuit for the top,
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
Are you trying to relate too much to your tribe through what you do and less of who you are? Are you embarrassed to mess up? Or even to spill your food down your shirt? How have you been trying to be the Dalai Lama or Elon Musk in robot form? Think of who you want to serve, do they want to see you, the human who is infinitely capable of everything and anything, or you the robot who was anointed and appointed with gifts and talents that normal folk just missed out on?
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
Trust that what you’re called to share is what people need to hear. Trust that what you know in your heart is legit. Trust that you can’t fuck it up if you simply share what is real for you. Trust that when you open up and realise you’re the messenger and not the message, you will have words flow through you perhaps you’ve never heard before. Trust also that your heart won’t ever say anything that is not exactly what the people watching need to see/ hear.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
We are moving from the world of…. Do this. Achieve this. Win this. Decide this. Act like this. Analyze this. Do more. Achieve more. Be more. Earn more. Have more. Compete more. More and more and more until you die!!!… to a world of… Slow down… Take a pause… Breathe for a minute… Look around…. Trust your gut… It’s enough… Play today… Turn your phone off… Chew your food… Let life in… Say no when you mean no… Say yes when you mean yes…
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
Accomplishments, attainments, and achievements are the big words we use to define and describe success. These words drive the current models of success, models which are currently driving everyone on Earth right into the ground. Humans are exhausting themselves in the endless pursuit for more. But before we throw out the old and bring in the new, let’s question these definitions. Let’s see how we feel?
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

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