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Nationalité : Italie
Biographie :

Raffaele D’Amato est un chercheur spécialisé en histoire militaire de l’Antiquité et du début du Moyen Âge.

Titulaire dans un premier temps d’un doctorat d’histoire sur les lois romano-byzantines, il en a par la suite obtenu un second en archéologie militaire romaine.
Il est actuellement directeur adjoint au professeur Livio Zerbini au laboratoire de recherche sur les provinces romaines du Danube à l’Université de Ferrara.

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By about 1200 BC the tide of invasion from Europe had swept across Asia Minor, broken up the Hittite Empire, and spread out over the coasts of Anatolia and the Fertile Crescent; here some of the invaders – also involving Semitic peoples in their migratory movement – began to settle permanently. Amidst all this turmoil, elements of older populations were dislodged; some mixed with the invaders to form new elements of the migratory flow, and others simply fled in search of new homes. As the disintegration of the older states progressed the Sea Peoples increased in numbers and diversity of tribes, extending their attacks towards the south and especially towards the Egyptian empire.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
This powerful navy allowed the Empire to maintain naval supremacy throughout Europe, North Africa and Western Asia for the first two centuries of its existence. Therefore Imperial Rome poured a great deal of manpower, money and resources into its navies, perfecting the use of warships not only at sea, but also on the great rivers of Europe. This meant that large quantities of soldiers, goods and materials could be transported by river, which was fundamental to the success of the great military operations in Germania and Dacia. As correctly noted by Pitassi, water was one of the key elements that decided how the Empire would grow and expand.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
The history and image of the ancient Roman war machine are inextricably linked with the figure of its most famous class of officer – the centurio, marked out by the transverse crest (crista transversa) on his helmet, the decorated greaves (ocreae) protecting his legs, and the Latin vine-staff (vitis latina) in his right hand. These men were the true architects of the victories and of the triumphs of the Roman legions, both by the discipline they instilled in their men – sometimes with extreme brutality – and by the military virtues and exemplary bravery they displayed on campaign and in battle.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
For the first time, these populations imported to the region the copper utilized to make weapons, tools and objects for everyday use. About 3000 bc a new wave of migration apparently occurred in the Aegean, most likely from Asia Minor. These people used bronze, a revolutionary material in ancient human history made from an alloy of copper and tin, thus introducing the Bronze Age. Early Cycladic civilization – the forerunner of the first true Greek culture – rises at about the same time as the early Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
Incredibly, in the 3rd century BC Rome had little or no navy to speak of when she embarked on the first of three titanic struggles with the foremost seafaring power of the day, Carthage. Equally remarkably, the Romans at first copied and then surpassed the better technology of their Carthaginian enemies. The Romans’ admirable capacity for organization, combined with their practical common sense, more than made up for their early deficiencies in naval equipment and tactics, and they destroyed Carthaginian maritime power forever.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
I wanted to hold slaughtered Dacians. I held them.
I wanted to sit on a chair of peace. I sat on it.
I wanted to take part in famous triumphs. It was done.
I wanted the full benefits of a chief centurion. I have had them.
I wanted to see naked nymphs. I saw them.
(Inscription from Africa by anonymous veteran of Trajan’s Dacian Wars – AE, 1928, 27)
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
More than a century has passed since Heinrich Schliemann brought to light the brilliant treasures of Mycenae. The rich appearance of the gold-covered warriors, still lying in their graves, confirmed to the world the truth about Homer's epic and the real historical existence of the Achaeans described in his poems.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
Thucydides (1.5–6) characterises this period as one of smaller, poorer, generally weaker cities, with reduced communication or trade, threatened by piracy and plunder, and which felt the need to arm themselves with iron weapons.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
However, it is perhaps arguable that the Carthaginians showed even less respect for human life than was the norm among the Greeks and the Romans of the Consular Age, low though that sets the bar.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
Close examination suggests that an assumption by scholars that metallic armour must always have been preferred, for its supposedly superior protective qualities, cannot go unchallenged.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

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