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4.61/5 (sur 9 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

Richard Siken est un poète, peintre et cinéaste américain. Il est l'auteur de la collection Crush, qui a remporté le concours Yale Series of Younger Poets en 2004. Son deuxième livre de poèmes, War of the Foxes, est sorti de Copper Canyon Press en 2015.

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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
We're shooting the scene where I swallow your heart and you make me
spit it up again. I swallow your heart and it crawls
right out of my mouth.
You swallow my heart and flee, and I want it back now, baby. I want it back.
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We pull our boots on with both hands
but we can't punch ourselves awake and all I can do
is stand and the curb and say Sorry
about the blood in your mouth. I wish it was mine.

I couldn't get the boy to kill me, but I wore his jacket for the longest time.
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_Tell me we're dead and I'll love you even more._
I'm surprised that I say it with feeling.
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The radio aches a little tune that tells the story of what the night
is thinking. it's thinking of love.
It's thinking of stabbing us to death
and leaving our bodies in a dumpster.
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Tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us.
These, our bodies, possessed by light.
Tell me we'll never get used to it.
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Une vie entre deux océans - M.L. Stedman

Dans quel pays se déroule ce récit ?


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