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Bibliographie de Uncle Fester   (5)Voir plus


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The DEA has recently estimated the total number of clandestine LSD labs operating in the U.S. at only 100, with most of them located in northern California. This alarmingly low number of labs leaves the supply of LSD in this country at constant peril. Further, the concentration of production in so few hands has left us awash in a mediocre swill comparable to the beer spewed out by the major brewers. The vast majority of acid is uniform, bland low powered and uninspiring.
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This book is dedicated to my ennemies, without whose cooperation it would not have been possible.
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Autobiographies de l'enfance

C’est un roman autobiographique publié en 1894 par Jules Renard, qui raconte l'enfance et les déboires d'un garçon roux mal aimé.

Confession d’un enfant du siècle
La mare au diable
Poil de Carotte

12 questions
157 lecteurs ont répondu
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