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EAN : 9781912634224
224 pages
Liminal 11 (11/02/2021)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Discover the folklore and history of our most toxic plants.

"If you drink much from a bottle marked 'poison,' it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later." (Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland)

In both history and fiction, some of the most dramatic, notorious deaths have been through poisonings. Concealed and deliberate, it's a crime that requires advance planning and that for many centuries could go virtually undetected. ... >Voir plus
Que lire après Botanical Curses and Poisons: The Shadow-Lives of PlantsVoir plus

autres livres classés : botaniqueVoir plus

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Quiz Voir plus

La Bible

Quel était le vrai prénom de l'apôtre Pierre?

Ben, Pierre!

12 questions
514 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : ancien testament , nouveau-testament , antiquité , histoireCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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