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EAN : 9781449436360
224 pages
Andrews McMeel Publishing (01/01/2014)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
 The Pearls Before Swine crew is back in their second collection of cartoons for the middle-grade crowd!

 Always witty and clever, and sometimes irreverent, Pearls Before Swine's sarcastic take on life appeals to fans of all ages. In this second collection of cartoons specially chosen for young readers, the troupe of characters is back to entertain with dark humor and off-the-wall puns. Know-it-all Rat is always at the center of the action... >Voir plus
Que lire après The croc ate my homeworkVoir plus
Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
Hey, Bear... How's your new job going?
Bad. They canned me because I slept in one day and showed up late for work.
How late were you?
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I can't fall asleep, Dad... Can you tell me a bedtime story?
Sure me can, son. Once upon time, dere was girl named Goldilocks. Bear keel her. Sweet dreams, my baby boy.
Not likely, Pops.
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Watcha doing, Zebra?
Just selling some old stuff I got from my grandpa after he died.
Can we buy the dead grandpa?
It's hard to be a hyena in the suburbs.
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It says here in this encyclopedia that crocodiles' brains are the size of a walnut.
Whuh? Me not get it.
Bob's more like pistachio.
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Les personnages de Tintin

Je suis un physicien tête-en-l'air et un peu dur d'oreille. J'apparais pour la première fois dans "Le Trésor de Rackham le Rouge". Mon personnage est inspiré d'Auguste Piccard (un physicien suisse concepteur du bathyscaphe) à qui je ressemble physiquement, mais j'ai fait mieux que mon modèle : je suis à l'origine d'un ambitieux programme d'exploration lunaire.

Le Capitaine Haddock
Le Professeur Tournesol
Dupond et Dupont
Le Général Alcazar
L'émir Ben Kalish Ezab
La Castafiore
Oliveira da Figueira
Séraphin Lampion
Le docteur Müller
Le colonel Sponsz

15 questions
5234 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : bd franco-belge , bande dessinée , bd jeunesse , bd belge , bande dessinée aventure , aventure jeunesse , tintinophile , ligne claire , personnages , Personnages fictifsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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