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EAN : 9780875420912
176 pages
Llewellyn (01/01/2009)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Discover the ancient lore, household techniques, and spiritual wisdom that will help turn every day into a time of magic, respect for all, and love of the Goddess, when you get Wheel of the Year by Pauline Campanelli.
Wheel of the Year takes you on a month-by-month journey of discovery through seasonal aspects of Paganism practiced both in recent and ancient times. Just look at a few of the things shared in this gentle, loving book:
For December: The M... >Voir plus
Que lire après Wheel of the Year, Living the Magical LifeVoir plus

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Quinze expressions

Que veut dire « adorer le veau d’or » ?

être naïf dans ses opinions
vénérer l’argent
avoir des goûts bizarres

15 questions
42 lecteurs ont répondu
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