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420 pages
2.88/5   8 notes
Résumé :
Life is never black and white.

One minute you’re a struggling graphic designer in LA that's finally coming to terms with being single forever, and the next you're flying to New York in a private jet to get engaged to your ex-boyfriend’s older brother.

At least...that’s what everyone thinks.
Forced to clean up his playboy image in order to protect his company, Beckham Sinclair, the city’s most eligible billionaire bachelor, wants ... >Voir plus
Que lire après Black Ties and White Lies: A Billionaire Fake Fiance RomanceVoir plus
Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
I'd strip completely fu**ing naked in this storm if it means she'd be even slightly warmer.
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- You don't have to study me from afar. I'm right here, Violet. Finish it for me.
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She lives her life like it's her world - and we're all just living in it.
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Quiz Voir plus

Quiz sur L'Apache aux yeux bleus

Pourquoi Herman a -t-il les yeux bleus ?

C'est un alien
Il est unique
C'est un enfant blanc
Il a des lentilles

9 questions
167 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : L'Apache aux yeux bleus de Christel MouchardCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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