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The Legend of Korra - Ruins of t... tome 2 sur 3

Michelle Wong (Illustrateur)Killian NG (Illustrateur)Rachel Deering (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781506708959
40 pages
Dark Horse (01/10/2019)
4.83/5   3 notes
Résumé :
King Wu's dreams of peacefully transitioning the Earth Kingdom into a democracy are in danger when Commander Guan throws his political hat in the ring, hoping to subvert the new system from the inside out. But playing fair was never part of his plan; Guan and Dr. Sheng are using terrifying new technology to cement Guan's win! In a desperate attempt to save the Earth Kingdom from falling back into the dark days of conquest and empire, Korra and Kuvira convince an old... >Voir plus
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