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EAN : 9789774249686
125 pages
The American University in Cairo Press (01/12/2004)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
This novel tells the story of a young Egyptian woman, born in 1967, growing up in the wake of Egypt's defeat of that year, and maturing into womanhood against the social and political upheavals Egypt experienced during the final decades of the 20th century. Physically and emotionally scarred by her parents and the events of her childhood, and incapable of relating to men, Nada, "Blue Aubergine", fumbles through a series of dark and unsettling adventures, resorting f... >Voir plus

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Philosophes au cinéma

Ce film réalisé par Derek Jarman en 1993 retrace la vie d'un philosophe autrichien né à Vienne en 1889 et mort à Cambridge en 1951. Quel est son nom?

Ludwig Wittgenstein
Stephen Zweig
Martin Heidegger

8 questions
160 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : philosophie , philosophes , sociologie , culture générale , cinema , adapté au cinéma , adaptation , littératureCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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