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Nationalité : Madagascar
Biographie :

Naivoharisoa Patrick Ramamonjisoa, dit Naivo.

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every time i watch the fampitaha , my heart aches, and I can see Sahasoa again, where I spent the first years of my life with the people under the sky. I can see Fara again, who was crowned queen of the competition. Back then, we still rolled the gatestones across the entrances to our fortified villages, every night, before dusk fell. The rice fields were bounded only by the swampland, teeming with life, and by the limits of human labor. That was the age of childhood fancies and the first schools, of bullfighting, nighttime stories, and chameleon battles. What of that now remains? That world is slowly fading from my memory, its edges frayed by the passing years, washed away by the tide of time like the old, sun-bleached bamboo stalks from our fishing rafts. It erodes under the here and now, like our red walls under the monsoon rains.
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Prénoms de grands peintres : trouvez leurs noms ! (3)

Je suis né à Paris en 1848. Chef de file de l'Ecole de Pont-Aven, inspirateur du mouvement nabi, j'ai vécu de nombreuses années en Polynésie où je suis décédé en 1903. Je suis Paul...


12 questions
792 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : peinture , peintre , art , Peintres paysagistes , Peintres français , peinture moderne , peinture espagnole , Impressionnistes , culture générale , peinture belge , peinture romantique , peinture américaineCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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