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Citation de Caro17

"We should not pretend that the loss of Sherlock Holmes is anything short of a catastrophe", the man sitting opposite me said. He was tall with fair hair and as he spoke, Jones whispered to me, "Gregson". He continued : "You mentioned the Lauriston Gardens affair, Lestrade. Without Holmes, it would have gone nowhere. Why, you were about to search the whole of London for a girl called Rachel when in fact it was Rache, the German for revenge, that the victim had left as a final clue. " There were quite a few smiles around the table at that and one or two detectives laughed out loud.
"There one silver lining to the cloud", Inspector Youghal said. "At least, we'll no longer find ourselves being caricatured by his associate, Dr Watson. I was of the view that his scriblings did our reputations no good at all."
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