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4.4/5 (sur 5 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

Bernie Su est un créateur, scénariste, réalisateur et producteur américain de séries Web . Il est surtout connu pour son travail sur la série Web The Lizzie Bennet Diaries with Hank Green , lauréate d'un Emmy Award , une adaptation moderne de style vlog de Jane Austen 's Pride and Prejudice qui a remporté le premier Emmy aux heures de grande écoute sur YouTube . Sa ré-imagination interactive sur cinq plateformes d' Emma d'Austen , appelée Emma Approved , a remporté le même Emmy deux ans plus tard. Su a également travaillé sur Vanity , était le réseau multicanal StyleHaul La première série en ligne originale de, avec Maybelline New York comme sponsor exclusif pour la célébration de son centenaire .

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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
Once I got upstairs, I couldn’t stop grinning. And it took me a little while to figure out why.

It was Darcy.

He was so different. He was attentive, and with his sister around, he’s much lighter. I’ve known ever since the letter that my first impression of him was inaccurate, but I hadn’t really been thinking of him as… as a guy. Until today.

And he is a guy. A smart, handsome, kind of shy one, who just took me around to all the tourist traps in the city on what has to be one of his rare days off.

Even after everything I’ve said about him, he still wanted to spend the day with me. He went very far out of the way to make me feel special. And that in and of itself makes me feel special.
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I have to admit, I’m happy for the distraction. As great as today was, it was also altering. The fact that Darcy wouldn’t be there meant that I could relax.

I’m relieved by it.

And yet, I’m not.

I find myself wanting to see him again. Only hours after he dropped me at my door.

Wow. Do I… do I like William Darcy ?

No. No, Lizzie, don’t go that far. Pull up on the reins of your imagination.

But I know I could like William Darcy. Which is strange enough.
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