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Bibliographie de Betty Fink   (2)Voir plus


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An instant and eternity, nowhere do the two approach each other so closely as in the polaroid. The instant image is ephemeral. Imbued with an immediate effect, it asvances towards expiration. Becoming and vanishing.
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Sibylle Bergemann coupled reality and dreams thereof, dreams of beauty and doubt. And thus her reality became expansive, open and fantastical.
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The moment was not enough for her, it had to be eternity. or at least a wink of eternity.
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Lecteurs de Betty Fink (1)Voir plus

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Thérèse Raquin

Où est née Thérèse Raquin?

en Algérie
Au Maroc
En Tunisie
en Libye

24 questions
1292 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Émile ZolaCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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