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Bibliographie de Catherine Liu   (1)Voir plus


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At the beginning of the eighteenth century, when the labor of others allowed for European bourgeois elites to use their leisure time to cultivate sensibility and sensitivity in an allegedly disinterested manner, a select group of men and women of leisure came to imagine new forms of sociability and intersubjectivity. Today's capitalists and PMC elites are also into self-cultivation, but their anxiety about their "privilege" makes them work very hard to humiliate others and project themselves tirelessly as a cultural and political vanguard, doing things to themselves of which ordinary people are incapable. PMC elites are always experimenting with themselves: from returning to the "land" under the aegis of new communalism to keto diets, only drinking sewage-laden raw water, and intermittent fasting, their self-indulgence is always a kind of sanctimonious austerity.
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Adjectifs qui n'en font qu'à leur tête😋

Un bâtiment qui n'est plus une école

Une ancienne école
Une école ancienne

12 questions
119 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : culture générale , adjectif , sensCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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