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Vidéos de David Bailey (2)
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videos22 avril 2021
In 2014, England's greatest portrait photographer David Bailey, shot the world's most famous monarch, Her Majesty The Queen. Charming her to exude a radiant smile, what resulted is one of the most endearing pictures ever taken of this great British icon. “I asked her if her jewellery was real,” Bailey recalls. “She's charismatic with a twinkle in her eye, the kind of person I admire and like to photograph.”

In celebration of Her Majesty turning 95 on April 21, David Bailey and TASCHEN have produced an edition of 500 signed by the photographer.

Dye-sublimation print on ChromaLuxe aluminum panel,
ready to hang, 100 x 100 cm (39.4 x 39.4 in.)
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cathcor25 février 2016
Rencontre avec David Bailey, le photographe des stars.

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